Tele M: Passion
moderated discussion
The discussion will touch upon the topic of passion as the vital energy that maintains vitality, motivation, and immediate and full presence – in contrast to the mechanical, formal, superficial, and empty.
What drives us to do what we do? What keeps passion going? Can it be exhausted? Interrupted? Where is the point where passion is cut through, discontinued, blurred, dissolved? What bearing do existential conditions have on passion?
Observing and conversing with other people may make us think that our actions are reduced to superficiality. That they are fuelled by external necessities and empty constraints. Desubjectification or even objectification of the individual. There is a wider and wider discrepancy between professionalism and work. Between what we do for money and what we do as our vocation (calling). The latter is pushed to the sphere of leisure time, to the margin, where it shuns the ubiquitous gaze of the
other and thus society?
A society deprived of passionate people is a dead society. It’s like a lifeless zombie carrying out only its basic functions. Mechanically, formally, empty.
Moderated by: PhD Zoran Medved
Guests: Gordana Stefanovič - Erjavec, Vili Ravnjak, PhD Boris Vezjak
Produced by: Youth Cultural Centre Maribor, Plesna Izba Maribor in collaboration with Television Maribor